Mathieu Cléroux
37 years old, Canadian - Quebec
+ on Mathieu
cooking, wilderness survival, hiking, fishing
Why do you wish to take part in the ITN adventure?
This type of adventure is what I crave. Exploring new regions and meeting new people is always exciting but getting to do it in my own province is even more special. I have been lucky enough to travel around the world and through Canada, but I have so much to see and do in my own province!
In your opinion, where is the most beautiful place on earth and why?
I believe forests are the best places to be on Earth. And of all the different types of forests, the Boreal forest is the one I think is the most beautiful. I believe it to be the most beautiful place because it is the natural representation of what I consider to be my home.
What’s your favourite travel story?
The 4th Habitat for Humanity trip I organized was to Mongolia. After the 2 week build out of the 20 or so participants, at least 10 of them told me they loved the experience so much, that they would, in turn, organize a Habitat trip. It was very touching and to this day, that is one of my best trip.