Greer Ross-McLennan - Into the north - Eeyou Istchee Baie James Tourism

Greer Ross-McLennan

18 years old, British

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Greer Ross-McLennan
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Greer Ross-McLennan

Age : 18

Nationality : British

Occupation : Student

Greer was not selected to participate in the adventure.

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videography, photography, vanlife/road trip, cooking, hiking

  • Why do you wish to take part in the ITN adventure?

    Ever since I was little, I wasn't a girl who saw myself as a damsel in distress longed to be the hero who crusaded through forests, doing battle and having a grand adventure. I've been looking for that sense of purpose to explore ever since, and crave new surroundings and experiences.

  • In your opinion, where is the most beautiful place on earth and why?

    I personally find the Rocky Mountains one of the most stunning vistas I can think of. Every time my family and I drive though, I can't help but think about how dwarfed humans are by these huge ridges. Sometimes, knowing your own insignificance is oddly comforting in the face of natural beauty.

  • What’s your favourite travel story?

    When I visited Japan in high school, my homestay friend took me up to Hakone Shrine, deep in the mountains; it was only a couple of hours from Tokyo but somehow felt like it was this village lost in time, and shrouded by mist. It was one of the most magical places I've been in my life!

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Greer Ross-McLennan - Into the north - Eeyou Istchee Baie James Tourism
real nature


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