Dillon Anthony - Into the north - Eeyou Istchee Baie James Tourism

Dillon Anthony

30 years old, Canadian - New Brunswick

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Dillon Anthony
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Dillon Anthony

Age : 30

Nationality : Canadian - New Brunswick

Occupation : Audio Engineer and Photographer

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videography, photography, vanlife/road trip, kayaking, canoeing, cooking, wilderness survival, hiking, fishing

  • Why do you wish to take part in the ITN adventure?

    I have a fascination with the edges of the map. The extraordinary people, wildlife, and landscapes they are comprised of have many stories to tell, and I want to listen. It's a life changing opportunity to grow through introspection, friendship, and my deepening connection within the natural world.

  • In your opinion, where is the most beautiful place on earth and why?

    I believe a lifetime is spent discovering beauty in all it's forms and meanings. I have been very fortunate to witness the beauty of Icelandic volcanic fields, the midnight sun in the Yukon, Norwegian fjords, Scottish highlands, Middle Eastern deserts, Atlantic coastlines, and the Rocky Mountains.

  • What’s your favourite travel story?

    A few stand out stories: Sleeping under the stars in the Judean Desert with a Bedouin tribe, followed by the sunrise on top of Mt Masada overlooking the Dead Sea. Instructing a music class on an Arctic island in Norway. Sitting fireside hearing the stories of village elders along the Yukon River.

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Dillon Anthony - Into the north - Eeyou Istchee Baie James Tourism
real nature


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